#70pit17 Entry Form


The form should be self-explanatory. If you have additional questions, see How to Submit and the other pages in the #pg70pit menu. If you still have questions, contact me on Twitter or comment on the How to Submit page linked above.

When you’ve completed the form, there will be a link to edit your answers. SAVE THAT LINK just in case you think you might have forgotten anything or change your mind about one of your answers. Because we are using a lottery system this year, duplicate pages will be considered cheating and will be deleted.

If you have multiple manuscripts, you may enter a maximum of 1 per age category. Please use different code names but the same email address for each entry.

Remember: save your code name(s) and entry form editing link(s) before you close this window.

The entry window is now closed. Thanks for participating! Subscribe to be emailed the list of lottery winners.

#70pit17 Slushies & Judges

This year all the slushies are judges and vice versa. In 2017, the pages with the seven highest scores of each age category will be posted here on larawillard.com/blog, tagged and linked by genre.

(So yes, if there’s a seven-way tie for seventh place, we would have thirteen pages.)

Let’s get to know your pg70pit slushies for 2017! We’ll start with Twitter profiles and then some getting-to-know-you questions and answers.

Middle Grade


Elizabeth Buege, @ekbuege

Reader, writer, book editor. Drawn to beautiful words, magical stories, & the scent of fresh paper. #revpit, #p2p16, & #shoreindie editor + #pg70pit judge.


JD Burns, @jdburnswrites

MG Reader and Writer. Currently on submission with my MG Fantasy. Rep’d by @R_EliseWrites of @GoldenWheatLit.

Ari Schweieters, @arischwieters

We thought you was a toad—Delmar O’Donnell. Writer, Jesus-follower, Hamline MFAC candidate.

Young Adult

Pg70Pit Bio Picture

Meghan Barrett, @MegBarrett316

Meghan is Lara’s intern from last year and needs a Twitter Bio but subscribes to Yoda’s advice: “Do or do not. There is no try.”


India Hill, @booksandbighair

A writer awkwardly stumbling around NYC. Social Media Fellow @HBO. Bylines in TeenVogue, Essence, and Sesi. ΔΣΘ. Matthew 5:16 ✨. Rep’d by @hroot


Kosoko Jackson, @kosokojackson

A Slytherin wearing Wonder Woman’s tiara. Period piece junky. Spy genre trash. @Rockthevote Digital Associate. Repped by @louisefury


Kaleigh Walter, @kaleighwalter

Reader, writer, editor. Currently on sabbatical in France attempting to write a novel. It’s not nearly as glamorous as “Midnight in Paris” makes it seem as I have yet to meet Tom Hiddleston.



Byron Graves, @byrongraves

Ojibwe | Author | #WCNV 2016 Finalist | 2017 WITM Mentee | Seeking representation for my novel The Distance


James Stryker, @JStryker21

Author of #SIMPLICITY #BOY – @ninestarpress #ASSIMILATION – Pan Macmillan, #70pit16 slushie, #FosterDad & puglet slave. #WNDB #LGBT Rep’d by @inthesestones


Nicole Tone, @NicoleATone

Pub. Director @REUTSpub • writer, editor, coffee snob, Slytherclaw • Bylines @hellogiggles @Britandco @Femsplain etc • Contact: ntommasulo@gmail.com

All of the Above


Lara Willard, @larathelark & @LaraEdits

wordherder & story addict | fiction & comics editor @LaraEdits | copy writer & designer | there’s a million things I haven’t done

More About Us

Most-used emoji


JD—What’s an emoji 😉







Lara—😍 🤓 😘

First job

Meghan—Summer nanny

Elizabeth—As a kid, it was helping an elderly neighbor; post-college, it was teaching Spanish.

JD—Dishwasher – just like Rodney Copperbottom’s dad!

India—Cashier at CiCi’s Pizza!

Kosoko—Cashier at a Health Food store


Byron—Commercial Fisherman

James—Customer Service Representative at a call center


Lara—Preschool teacher’s aide & newspaper intern

Current job

Meghan—I am a Reading Corps Elementary Literacy Tutor

Elizabeth—I’m a freelance book editor & a homeschool co-op secondary writing teacher

JD—Get up – eat – work – help kids with homework – skip sleep to write – repeat.

India—Digital + Social Media at HBO!

Kosoko—Digital Media Associate for Rock The Vote

Kaleigh—Grant Writing for MN Nonprofit

Byron—Account Executive & Author

James—I’m a Senior Supervisor for a customer service call center. I do a lot of project management, design/graphics for trainings, and data analysis.

Nicole—Freelance editor and writer

Lara—Freelance editor by night, website copy and design consultant by day.

If you had entered this year, what would be your 7-word code name?

JD—An aged thrush, frail, gaunt, and small (Thomas Hardy, “The Darkling Thrush”)

India—Okay, ladies, now let’s get in Formation! (Beyoncé, “Formation!”)

Kosoko—The landlord’s daughter, the landlord’s black-haired daughter (Alfred Noyes, “The Highwayman”)

Byron—I’ll tell you how the sun rose (Emily Dickinson, “I’ll Tell You How the Sun Rose”)

James—none about me save in the shadows (Ezra Pound, “In Durance”)

Nicole—”& crowned herself the mother-f—ing queen” (Amanda Lovelace, “How’s That for a Happily Ever After?”)

Lara—I like their lady horse swagger, after (Ada Limón, “How to Triumph Like a Girl”)

7-word description of one of your main characters

JD—Quiet boy discovers he is a wood-troll.

India—A black girl who loves to read.

Kosoko—A witty, sarcastic talented linguist in Kosovo

Byron—Sarcastic, cynical, witty, brilliant, apathetic, jaded, righteous

James—Balances dealing drugs, eating disorder, alternate personality.

Nicole—Witch who doesn’t know her own strength

Lara—Tween Chicana BMX racer bestowed embarrassing superpower

Best 69th page from your bookshelf

Elizabeth—The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss

JD—Jane Eyre

India—I’m going to go on a limb and say any Harry Potter book.

Kosoko—American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Byron—Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

James—Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell

Nicole—White Oleander

Lara—Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter

Dream writing retreat location

Meghan—Oxford, in the same bedroom in the same house I lived in while I was studying abroad.

Elizabeth—I probably wouldn’t leave Minnesota–I want cool, fresh air, along with trees and water–and ideally a dog or some cats to keep me company.

JD—Under the stairs of the Dursley’s residence.

India—Somewhere with a view of the ocean… matter of fact, ON the ocean. Perfect weather where I can lay down for hours and write to the waves crashing agains the sand.

Kosoko—In Dublin ireland, across the street from a pub, and a short distance from The River Liffey.

Kaleigh—A screened-in porch next to a body of water.


James—When I write I really need to focus and block everything out, so my dream writing location would be what would probably drive many people crazy. I would love to write in a cleanroom. No windows, no noise – not even anything on the walls. Just a nice, hermetically sealed, soundproofed, cleanroom. Just me, a desk, and the brain. 🙂

Nicole—A waterfront cottage in Seattle with a fireplace and windows and a desk facing the Puget Sound.

Lara—Howl’s Moving Castle, minus the fire demon and Howl, with the door opening to my house, to the Scottish highlands, to that bunny island in Japan, and to the New York Public Library on 5th.

[pg70pit] Save the Dates for 70pit17

Times are given in EDT, or New York City time. 7pm EDT is 4pm in Vancouver, 11pm in London, and 9am (the next day) in Sydney.

Now until June 1

Make sure your full novel manuscript is agent ready. Then prepare your contest entry by reading Revising for Writing Contests and How to Submit.

The 7-word description is really important this year if you want to enter the Twitter contest, so get that ready, too!

June 1–6: Twitter Party

Like last year, we’ll have a Twitter party leading up to #pg70pit. Use the hashtag #70pit17 to participate. Have any great ideas for topics? Comment below, or jump on the tag like a vigilante and go for it. Note: due to an urgent family situation, I am not leading the Twitter party this year. But please have fun on the #70pit17 tag! I’ll still be available to answer questions and am taking the day off on the 7th for the submission day.


June 7: Submission Date

The submission form—just one this year!—will go live at LaraWillard.com/blog at 7:00 a.m. EST on June 7, 2017, and will be removed at 7:00 a.m. June 8th, 2017.

TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TWITTER CONTEST, tweet your 7-word description—just once, and pinned to your profile—on June 7th with both the hashtag #pg70pit* and the hashtag of your age category: #A #YA or #MG. You can post at any time on the 7th; no one will be able to cross-check Tweets with entries, so you’ll stay anonymous.

*Use the year-specific hashtag #70pit17 for all other tweets about the contest

June 7–15: Twitter Contest

Favorite and/or quote-RT * any 7-word descriptions you like from June 7th to June 15th. This is a great way to meet other writers in the online community!

To be eligible for the Twinner contest, you must choose seven—just 7!—of your favorite 7-word descriptions and retweet them—without quote-retweeting* them.

Encourage your friends who aren’t participating to like or retweet your 7-word description. If you’re participating, though, you may only retweet seven contest tweets. Like or quote-RT* the others. Your seven total retweets can be from any age category.

If you don’t retweet 7 of your fellow participants, you can still try your luck in the lottery, but you won’t be eligible for one of the 7 Twinner spots.

We’ll choose the 7 Twinners from the ones with the most RTs, the ones with the most likes, and some of our favorites from the tweet content itself.

Encourage your friends to like or retweet your pitch!

On June 7th, click to Tweet: “Hey followers! I’m participating in the #70pit17 pitch contest today. I’d love it if you’d vote for my 7-word pitch with a like or RT!

Want to nominate an especially awesome tweet? Quote tweet it, include the tag #70pit17, and tell us why!

*On Twitter.com, that means adding a comment when you retweet. On the Twitter App, that means choosing “Quote RT.”

June 17: Twinners and Lottery Winners Announced

Check in at larawillard.com/blog for the 7 Twinners and 70 lottery winners from each age category.

July 17–July 31: Find CPs while We Read

Didn’t get into the lottery? I’ll post on my blog an opportunity for you to find a CP, if you’d like.

Judges will read and score all of the 77 entries for each age category. Follow along on the #pg70pit tag for insight and teasers. I will rate each entry on my @LaraEdits account, like I tend to do, and other slushies and judges are encouraged to do the same. We don’t always agree, which is why I’m not the only judge!

July 7: Agent Round

The top 7-scoring entries for each age category will be posted on my blog for agents to read and request from. In the event of a tie, I’ll call in another slush reader or two, confer with them, and then make my decision that way. If we REALLY can’t decide, we might look into the entries that didn’t make it into the lottery. No promises.




(or ask me in the comments below!)



#pg70pit is back for 70pit17!

In 2017, I’m hosting the third annual pg70pit, a totally unique type of contest and pitching opportunity for writers with complete, polished novels (Middle Grade, YA, or NA/Adult) in any genre except erotica.

This summer, I’m changing things up a bit to make it more easier on me and on participating agents, while still offering fun opportunities for participating writers. Find out more after the jump.


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