Downloads & Quizzes

I love providing free downloads to writers, teachers, and planners!

All I ask, is that before you download:

  1. You subscribe to the blog—I don’t post often, and you can unsubscribe at any time!
  2. You don’t resell or repost any of the content from these free downloads. If you’d like to share with others, send them to my blog!


  1. Worksheets for Writers
  2. Bookmarks for Readers
  3. Planners
  4. Myers-Briggs and Enneagram Characterization
  5. Just for Fun

1. Worksheets for Writers

Worksheets for Writers

Character: Backstory and Goals
Character: Character Profile Worksheets (a.k.a. the “Character Bible”)

Story: The 8 C’s of Plotting
Story: [QUIZ] How Should You Start Your Novel?

Revision: Tracking Your Revision with Spreadsheets (Generates a colorful progress bar automatically!)

Submission: Manuscript Format Template

2. Bookmarks for Readers

Vocabulary Bookmarks

3. Planners


Printable Quarterly Calendars

Three months per page, or one year in just four pages. Great for planning your book, your life, or your family’s schedule!

2022-2023 Calendars
2020–2021 Calendars
2019 Calendar
2018 Calendar

Chekov Checklists

To-Do lists featuring my favorite Trekkie

Chekov To-Do List

Personal Goal Planner

Includes four sections of life that we tend to let fall to the wayside when we focus too much on work: Deepening Relationships, Pursuing Interests, Saving & Spending, Caring for Yourself

Personal Goal Planner

Gantt Chart

Similar to the “Tracking Your Revision with Spreadsheets” above but applicable for in-process projects.

Gantt Chart Timeline Spreadsheet

Task Managing in Trello with GIFs

Task List Trello Board

SMART Goals (Don’t Break the Chain)

SMART Goals Calendar (2015 Calendar)

3. Myers-Briggs Characterization & Enneagram


Is Myers-Briggs pseudoscience that ignores the complexity of human personality? Sure. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t useful, especially for writing characters.

[QUIZ] A 12-question simple MBTI test

Chart with MBTI Categories, details about each group, and a fictional character representative

NEW: Enneagram for Fictional Characters


4. Just for Fun


WRITE NOW Posters (including a template to make your own)

“You are cute and you read” bookmarks for introverts to give out to others

Let’s Talk about Cats, Baby desktop wallpaper